October 27, 2008New facilityPosted by TMLutas
I just set up Alfresco's community edition last night and am finding it an interesting breath of fresh air in my never-ending battle with sloth and disorganization. Watch out, SharePoint. October 02, 2008The Citizenship ChannelPosted by TMLutas
After reading this report of an actual Obama channel I got to thinking of using this sort of thing for a good purpose. Producing how tos of citizenship and patriotism and starting off with youtube, once enough programming gets produced, you'd have the content for a citizenship channel. Hmmm... now where's that video camera? October 01, 2008How not to run a 911 systemPosted by TMLutas
Dial 911 Me: "Hello, 911, my wife just called me. She just got rear ended by a drunk driver on I-80." ESO-1: "Sorry, that's not us, where on I-80?" Me: "Headed towards I-355" ESO-1: "That could be more than one state trooper command. Let me give you a number that might be it. I can't transfer there" Dial another emergency number Me: "Hello, my wife got hit by a drunk driver on I-80" ESO-2: "Which way was she going" Me: "westbound" ESO-2: "What's the nearest exit" Me: "Right be I-355" ESO-2: "Sorry, that's a different command. Let me give you the number of the other command. I can't transfer there." Dialing again Me: "Hello, my wife got hit by a drunk driver on I-80 heading westbound right by I-355." ESO-3: "I'll get a trooper on the way to take your wife's report" Edited down to take out the inanities that's what just happened. It took about 5 extra minutes at which point said drunk driver had traveled an extra 5 miles of random mayhem assuming he hadn't been speeding. This is no way to run a 911 system. |
A product of BruceR and Jantar Mantar Communications, and affiliated contributors. Opinions expressed within are in no way the responsibility of anyone's employers or facilitating agencies and should by rights be taken as nothing more than one person's half-informed viewpoint on the world. |