October 20, 2005

And in my Day Job

Ah, I finally got OpenGroupware configured on RedHat Enterprise Linux 3. Unfortunately, the instructions to do it simply weren't adequate. I ended up running through three different sets of instructions and, by trial and error, finding out which ones worked for me and which ones didn't. Now I have my own set. Here they are for posterity:

1. Download RedHat Enterprise Linux v3 (get a 30 day free account if you don't have the budget for a subscription)
2. The 850 comes with a setup disk that handles RHEL 3. Use it. It won't work otherwise (drivers can't detect the disk which is why I'm not using Fedora Core and, yes, I know other people have made it work but Dell changes hardware inside a model and it doesn't work right now).
3. Test the media. It's tempting to skip the step but I'm losing time right now because I didn't.
4. Install yum:
A. Install urlgrabber from here and don't forget to unpack the tarball, cd into it, and then execute python setup.py bdist_rpm
b. Install python-elementtree
c. Install sqlite
d. Install sqlite-devel (optional, but I did it)
e. Install python-sqlite
f. Install python-celementtree
g. Install the actual yum package by downloading, unpacking (tar -xzf), and then going over to /usr/src/redhat/SPECS, building the rpm (rpmbuild -ba), and installing (rpm -Uvh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/noarch/).

5. Install postgresql, which RedHat has annoyingly renamed Red Hat Database (rhdb). Make sure the postgresql server rpm is installed.
6. Follow the installation instructions for postgres OGO for the most part. On my install, it was looking for all lower case letters on the db and the ogo user.
7. change the pg_hba.conf to accept tcp/ip connections as per here

local all all trust
host all all trust
host all all reject

This is not a secure setup. We're going to have to go back here later to make it secure.

8. download the red hat OGO rpms here and follow the instructions. I downloaded Third Party, Sope, and OpenGroupware and downloaded it to /root/ogo. I then cd to it and rpm -Uvh *.rpm installs the whole enchilada.

9. One of the things downloaded is the database schema so go back to the database install instructions and get your schema up.

$ pushd /usr/local/lib/opengroupware.org-1.0a/commands/OGo.model
$ psql -h localhost ogo ogo
Welcome to psql 7.3.3, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
Type: \copyright for distribution terms
\h for help with SQL commands
\? for help on internal slash commands
\g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
\q to quit
OGo=> \i Resources/pg-build-schema.psql
[output cut]
OGo=> \q

10. You're going to have to log in to ogo. This account, in my case was set to nologin. Set it up for bash (I used the KDE gui tool users and groups for this).
11. su - ogo from root and then type in Defaults read to see if the Defaults are set correctly. In my case they were not. The LSAdaptor was set to PostgreSQL72 when it needed to be PostgreSQL (ie no version number).
12. You need to adjust ownership because you're running as ogo but you installed as root. The problem is that the LSAttachmentPath directory isn't writable. That's bad. The following code fixes the problem.

chgrp ogo /var/spool/opengroupware.org
chgrp ogo /var/spool/opengroupware.org/documents
chgrp ogo /var/spool/opengroupware.org/news
chmod 775 /var/spool/opengroupware.org
chmod 775 /var/spool/opengroupware.org/documents
chmod 775 /var/spool/opengroupware.org/news

This should result in a working install on RHEL 3, OGo 1.1

Next on the hit parade, Windows account integration, but that will be a different article.

Posted by TMLutas at October 20, 2005 01:10 PM