In my alternate life, I've been using NetBeans 3.6 IDE to do a bit of java programming. My ambition is to create a GUI driven java based html parser. I just noticed that 4.0 came out so I downloaded the thing and imported my project. Ugh, it wouldn't compile in 4.0, giving me an error that it couldn't find org.netbeans.lib.awtextra, something that it absolutely, positively had to have in order to use absolute layout. After a bit of googling, I couldn't find a quick solution so I experimented. If you reassign the layouts, even swapping to grid bag layout and right back to absolute (which is netbeans proprietary), the compile works.
In fact, with netbeans 4.0 everything works a great deal better. Normally I wouldn't write about these little triumphs here but maybe Google will pick up the article and make it easier for the next guy to quickly fix. The purpose of the project for me (besides keeping the rust off my coding skills) is also to be able to get some form of data pulling tool to spice up the blog with so that I can publish datasets that would be of interest to my readership.
Posted by TMLutas at December 24, 2004 11:00 AM