Next month, prominent computer gamers from around the world will be gathering to match their wits and first-person shooting skills in Germany. The Cologne Open is the first major event to be held by the new European division of the Cyberathlete Professional League, or CPL. Cologne marks just the latest stop in a burgeoning international pro gaming tour, involving young people from America, Asia, and Europe, in serious, high-stakes play. Coming three years to the day after the first major cash tournament, the CPL’s Foremost Roundup of Advanced Gamers (FRAG), in November of 1997, the young sport has already seen its share of ups and downs, heroes and villains, and no end of controversy.
1. First Steps
Of one thing there is no doubt: the story of online power gaming begins with
Quake. True, its precursor Doom had served the John-the-Baptist role of establishing
a broad player base for first-person shooters. But competitively, until mid
1996 competitive gaming had never progressed to more than a scattering of LAN-based
first person shooter tournaments (notably the 1995 Judgement Day in Seattle,
marking the launch of Microsoft’s games division, and won by an otherwise
unremarkable 18 year-old named Dennis Fong). Real pro play would have to wait
until Doom’s successor game, Quake, appeared in mid-1996.
It took off when it did largely because Quake itself seemed tailor-made for
promoting online play. The client-server architecture of Id Software’s
new first-person shooter encouraged the creation of dedicated Quake servers.
As well, the twitch reflexes needed for good play, combined with a general
lack of high-speed connectivity, served to encourage players to challenge other
players clustered around their local server, where the “ping” was
low, rather than ranging farther abroad on the internet. Add to that the capability
for 16-player-at-once deathmatches, where no teamless player could survive
for long, and the creation of a network of Quake “clans” – generally
regional groupings clustered around a particular server or servers, where players
could find teammates to watch their back, or play against in a lower ping environment
-- seems now to have been almost inevitable.
By August of 1996, the Quake clans themselves were already self-organizing
into something larger, as players looked for other teams to challenge for bragging
rights. Id, recognizing a good thing, did their part to promote interclan play,
but the key figure was Will Bryant, creator of the Quake Clanring.
“The early clan vs. clan matches were pretty anarchic,” Bryant told
one reporter later. “Well, that the dawn of all of this; there wasn't really
any organization... but that wasn't a problem because people were just having
a lot of fun.” Without any clanmatch-dedicated servers, these early clan
vs. clan games would often see individual players on the server joining in the
play. The only prize for winning was the ability to boast about it on one’s
own clan website (connected to others via Bryant’s Clanring, or Id’s
own clan pages).
It was through the Clanring that the first major team Quake online tournament,
known only as T1, was organized that fall, with the Impulse 9 clan being declared
the winners. This was followed in December by T2. By now, the competitive advantage
that a high-speed internet connection gave a clan was too large to ignore:
this much larger tournament was divided into low-ping and high-ping divisions:
Ruthless Bastards, the Michigan-based pioneers in actual teamplay tactics,
would take the low-ping contest. But the real buzz was about one newcomer to
Quake in the high-ping group, who brought his clan (the unfortunately named
International House of Spork) into the finals with some remarkable solo rampages:
it would not be the last time gamers would be hearing about Dennis “Thresh” Fong.
2. Quaking Things Up
If FPS competition had remained the preserve of oddly-named, anonymous clans,
pro competition might never have taken off. What the game needed now was
star quality, and it would be the “Ferrari tournament” in June
of 1997 that would provide it.
Backed by the Clanring and, the Red Annihilation tournament departed
from previous online tourneys in two respects: it was one-on-one play, and
the finals would be face-to-face, on a LAN during the Electronic Entertainment
Expo (E3) in Atlanta. To make things more interesting, Quake co-creator John
Carmack promised his own red Ferrari 328GTS convertible to the winner. Criticized
by clan members who preferred the beauty of teamplay, the tournament proved
a hit with the press. Thresh, the winner, became something of a media darling. "Quiet
and bespectacled, Fong is possibly the best spokesman gaming could have," writes
Salon magazine. "He's articulate, modest, thoughtful and gracious."
Thresh would go on to appear as a representative of the community in articles
in Rolling Stone, Playboy, the L.A. Times, Good Morning America, and the Wall
Street Journal. He also becomes the first player to attract major sponsorships,
from Microsoft and Diamond Multimedia.
The Quake scene now had fans, players, excitement, and potentially big prizes.
All it seemed to need now was organization. The first American entrepreneur
to step in to provide it was Texas businessman (and Adrenaline Vault owner)
Angel Munoz.
Munoz started putting together his Cyberathlete Professional League (CPL) shortly
after the Ferrari tournament. “The Red Annihilation tournament, more
than any other event,,” he says, “captured my imagination and was
the spark that I needed to take immediate action and launch the CPL concept.”
To get around the high-ping/low-ping and cheating problems that were already
cropping up, and to give gaming tournaments more of the feel of an actual sporting
event, Munoz proposed a series of massive cash-prize LAN tournaments. Similar
to the gaming at QuakeCon 97, which had just wrapped up in Dallas, the contests
would be held over several days in one location. (The downside of the idea
would be spotty attendance at early tournaments, as young gamers struggled
to make it to Munoz’s hometown of Dallas.)
Munoz’s plans have not wavered since. “We [at the CPL] strongly
believe that LAN-based competitions are the only true professional way to hold
tournaments,” he says. “To call an online competition ‘professional’ is
either marketing hype or just plain ignorant.”
Even before the Ferrari tournament, Munoz had been interested both in running
a league, and representing “cyberathletes” (a term he coined) in
getting sponsorships from corporations. But after only a few months, he says, “I
realized that the league had to choose one or the other because we did not
want the league competing with its gamers to seek sponsorship. We chose to
run the league.”
By November, Munoz was ready to hold the first major CPL-affiliated event,
the Foremost Roundup of Advanced Gamers (FRAG), in Dallas. Tom "Gollum" Dawson
of Illinois became the first-ever CPL Quake champion, winning $1,000.
Munoz was also an early supporter of the women’s competitive gaming scene,
which really took off with the Queen of the Hill one-on-one Quake online tournament
that October. The winners of that competition (in the low-ping and high-ping
divisions respectfully) would become almost as well known as the star male
players: Kornelia Takacs, and Stevie “Killcreek” Case. Both would
be early backers of the CPL.
3. The PGL: Success, and Failure
October also saw the emergence of what would be the CPL’s strongest early
competitor: the Professional Gaming League, or PGL. Founded by Joe Perez and
backed by the pay-for-play Total Entertainment Network (TEN) gaming service
and the computer maker AMD, the PGL held its first championships in Seattle
in January of 1998.
Unlike the CPL, Perez and TEN tried to repeat the successful formula of the
Ferrari tournament, by combining online play in the early rounds (played at
first exclusively via TEN) with a face-to-face final. Based on the West Coast,
PGL also differed in offering multiple game competitions: both single-player
and team Quake, and a real-time strategy contest as well (first Command & Conquer,
later Starcraft).
The approach left the PGL open to all sorts of potential problems with cheating
and low-ping in the early rounds: at one point, eight would-be competitors
were disqualified for early-round cheating. Officiating in the face-to-face
competitions was also criticized for being lax. Despite having gained some
credibility by naming Pong inventor Nolan Bushnell as their commissioner, organizers
seemed to have no problem in the first final with a company Thresh was involved
with helping to administer the contest he would go on to win. Similar problems
arose with the second season final in May, when a 15 year-old Canadian, Boniface “Kuin” Danan,
made it to the finals with the help of a hacked client… and the full
knowledge of officials.
But in the end it was the PGL’s close association with TEN that would
prove its greatest weakness. When TEN’s owners renamed the organization and withdrew from the action gaming market altogether in September
of 1999, the PGL was left to fold. Ironically, the defunct league would be
sold to the gamer who had taken the lion’s share of their prize money:
Thresh himself. The victor in their first and third championships (and by far
the richest pro-gamer in the world to that point) has since retired from the
pro scene to pursue other endeavours: he continues to make noises about restarting
the PGL, in some form or other.
The rival CPL, which at this point seemed almost unchallenged, had grown considerably
in the intervening two years, holding three major events to the PGL’s
four. This fledgling pro tour allowed a small group of dedicated players to
spring up, travelling from PGL to CPL events and back in search of ever larger
purses. While Thresh played only in two PGL tourneys, his two California colleagues
Kurt “Immortal” Shimada and Victor “Makaveli” Cuadra
would become well-known to the playing community: so would Iowa’s Dan “Rix” Hammans,
his former clanmate. While Immortal’s aim was legendary, it would be
Rix who would enter the Quake lexicon: “to rix” meaning to play
cautiously when ahead on points: a sin nearly every major player would be accused
of at one point or another.
Tournaments were a mixture of Quake and its successor Quake 2. That changed
that fall, however, as the CPL confirmed its dominance with two nearly back-to-back
Quake 3 tournaments, beginning with Ground Zero (its first outside of Dallas,
and the first to include a women’s tourney) in September of 1999. A new
generation of gamers took advantage of the change in games to rise to dominance:
gamers such as Mark “Wombat” Larsen, 15, of Illinois (Ground Zero,
$10,000), and Amir “Hakeem” Haleem of Sweden (October’s FRAG
3, $10,000, the first non-North American to win a major event).
Those events would pale, however, before the Razer-CPL tournament in Dallas
the next spring: undisputedly the greatest Quake tournament yet to be held.
Not only were the prizes ($100,000 in total) by far the largest ever offered
in a computer gaming tournament, but the event itself was a remarkable testament
to the growing international support for the CPL, with gamers from 16 countries
4. Enter the Koreans
America, Canada, Sweden, Britain: the gaming pro tour in early 1999 still drew
from very few countries, and remained almost exclusively about Quake. But on
the other side of the world, a very different gaming scene had emerged, developing
almost in isolation: the Starcraft mania of South Korea.
Like many countries, South Korea had first started offering internet access
on a broad scale in 1994. But the strong hand of government censorship, particularly
of computer games, had clamped down almost immediately: many games were effectively
banned in the country until early 1998, when a new more democratic government
came to power and relaxed the restrictions.
In one of the more curious developments of the Internet age, South Koreans,
suddenly released to play computer games online, fell in love en masse with
one game: Blizzard’s Starcraft, released that March. In the next two
years, the 46-million strong nation would buy 1 million copies of the game
and its Brood War sequel, a third of the game’s sales worldwide. Thousands
of the Korean equivalent of the internet café, the “PC Bang,” sprung
up almost overnight to meet the demand for access. It’s no exaggeration
to say that Koreans’ adoption of the internet was largely driven by kids
paying to play Starcraft. There are nearly 20,000 PC Bang in the country now,
up from 2,000 two years ago: in 1999 alone, the Bang brought in $4 billion
in computer rental revenue to their owners.
While the Korean and American gaming scenes are in many ways similar (such
as government concerns about game violence, leading to Starcraft being rather
ineffectually rated an aged “20-and-older” game in that country),
they differ in the way they adopted pro gaming. Korean companies already invested
heavily in company baseball and soccer teams as marketing vehicles… when
the craze took off, it seemed only appropriate to create company Starcraft
teams to play the game professionally, as well. The first teams appeared in
early 1999, with more coming on board every month. Players receive a wage (around
$20,000 a year) to practice for the frequent game tournaments 10 hours a day.
While claims that there are 1,000 pro gamers in Korea seem excessive, there’s
no doubt the scene is lucrative: so much so the wireless phone company U2U4
could lure leading Canadian players Guillaume Patry and Jerome Rioux to the
country to play for them. Star player Lee “Ssamzang” Ki-Seok has
appeared in TV commercials.
(That commercial was pulled, by the way, when Ki-Seok caused a minor scandal
in mid 1999. He admitted he had tweaked his standings in the preliminary internet-only
rounds of a major tournament by arranging to play against himself sometimes.
He would go on to win other major tournaments fairly.)
By early 2000, the Korean gaming scene was ready to expand abroad. Financed
largely by Bang chain owner Haansoft, the internet game ranking company Battle
Top announced it would run the World Cyber Games, a sort of international Olympiad
of computer gaming, in October. The event would be preceded by a series of
qualifying rounds for the 14 competing national teams, with major prizes for
winners of the qualifiers. Winners of one of the four (later increased to six) “events” at
the games would receive a $25,000 purse.
Even as Battle Top was attempting to expand in to the United States, the CPL
had been looking to expand its tour outwards to the rest of the world, founding
CPL Asia and CPL Europe earlier this year. With the PGL out of the running,
organization of the gaming pro tour in the year 2000 has largely been shared
by the CPL and this new competitor.
Incidentally, it's Britain and Europe, where national and linguistic boundaries
have prevented pro leagues from coming together as quickly, where some of the
more unusual one-shot tourneys have been attempted. The 1999 British PC Gamer
championship had eight games in four genres, with the same teams competing
against each other -- in all eight games. This year, the Barry's World Quake
3 European Championship was the first major tournament to have teams identified
by nationality, rather than clan or club affiliation: the Russian team edged
out the Swedes and Germans for the 10,000 Euro first prize.
Battletop's first European efforts were less than totally successful, however.
The UK qualifier was particularly controversial, with officials telling one
team in the Quake final (British pro Sujoy Roy's Clan 9) that the final match's
length would be arbitrarily shortened, but apparently not informing their opponents.
Many Unreal Tournament players were told to show up on the wrong day, while
few players of Starcraft and FIFA Soccer events appeared at all.
While Battle Top spreads its efforts between games of several genres, the CPL
continues to refine the first-person shooter experience through 2000. It was
helped by the emergence of perhaps the most exciting player since Thresh, Johnathan “Fatality” Wendell.
Fatality -- who admits to moving out of his mother’s house to pursue
his dreams of a pro gaming career -- had been a force back at FRAG 3 in 1999.
But it was his victories over Wombat and Makaveli at the Razer XS Invitational
in Sweden in January of 2000 that really marked him as the new player to watch.
So far this year, he has won $59,670 in solo-play cash prizes alone in five
different tournaments: including the $40,000 first prize for the Razer-CPL
championships in Dallas in April, beating out Makaveli again along with Korean
hopeful Min-Woo “PowerK” Kim.
The only American gamer with a comparable record has been John “Zero4” Hill,
who has won $21,750 so far in seven tournaments, mostly Battle Top-sponsored:
he has always finished behind Fatality in tournaments they appeared in together,
however. The only player to beat Fatality this year was Sweden’s Henrik “Blue” Bjork,
who squeaked past him in the CPL Asia final in Singapore in June.
Interestingly, CPL tournaments this year have also taken a turn to where it
all began, with the resuscitation of the teamplay event. Quake 3 4-on-4s were
the focus of FRAG 4 in Dallas in September. (Fatality’s own Clan Kapitol
took the prize in that tournament, beating out leading clans from America,
Canada, and Europe). The $25,000 first prize is the largest ever offered in
a team-on-team competition. FRAG 4 was unique in many ways: the same four days
saw the first-ever straight cash prize ($5,000) for the women’s circuit,
offered at the All-Female Tournament 2000 – won by Cary “Succubus” Szeto
-- and in a somewhat nostalgic throwback, the first serious Doom 2 tournament
in over two years. How far we’ve come, it seems.
5. Today and Tomorrow
The year 2000 is ending with a bang for pro gaming, with three major tournaments
still to come. Battle Top’s World Cyber Games runs this week, with
competition in Starcraft, Age of Kings, Quake 3 (solo and team), Unreal Tournament
and FIFA Soccer. After that, gamewatchers’ eyes turn again to the CPL
and the shooter circuit (While Quake 3 will remain the league’s dominant
cybersport, Half-Life:Counterstrike and Unreal Tournament events will be
added to some tournaments, as well, Munoz announced recently.) The CPL Europe’s
first major event, the Cologne Open, runs in late November, and then the
second ever tournament to offer $100,000 in total prizes, the Babbage’s
$100,000, starts in Dallas on Dec. 14. The new year promises even more events,
and an ever-increasing tempo for players on this growing pro tour. Even assuming
Fatality becomes the first game player ever to win $100,000 in one year between
now and Christmas, someone else almost certainly will the year after.
People in the pro gaming industry are confident the past is just a prologue
for what’s to come. “In just a few years,” predicts Munoz, “It
will be bigger than any existing ‘extreme-sport’ and eventually
it will rival some traditional sports.”
There are still big question marks: will Battle Top be able to sustain itself
into a second year, or are the World Cyber Games a one-hit wonder? What will
receive the greater attention: teamplay events or one-on-one? Will gamers start
to outgrow Quake? While some players and organizations have passed the torch,
the pro gaming scene continues to outstrip predictions as to its growth and
popularity. Where once, victory was about nothing more than clan bragging rights,
it’s now about making a living, for organizers and players both. Currently,
only a few players outside South Korea’s Starcraft leagues make sufficient
money to prosper as pro gamers, but that, too, may change. A testament to the
overriding power of human competitiveness, pro gaming leagues, whatever final
form they take, are only going up from here.