Published: February 19, 2001
The gaming news these days seems largely to be about online media outlets that are in trouble. Major new players ( and old standards (Gamecenter) have fallen by the wayside recently, and everyone on the discussion boards has an opinion of how long the lean years of online advertising and solid online gaming information sources will last.
But while the wakes for online sites continue, few are paying much attention to the "old media" competition. The print PC gaming magazine industry, split for the last year between three titles, is cruising along serenely while their new media counterparts falter. Or is it? Adrenaline Vault studied five months in the life of the print gaming mags, looking at advertising, reviews, and talking to staff. In this article, we present our findings: both whose advertising offices are thriving, and whose are not. We also tell you who you should look to for game reviews, and if those reviews are being influenced by the advertisements that pay for them.
Who Are The Magazines?
In North America, since the demise of Imagine Media's PC Accelerator last year,
three monthly periodicals have vied for top spot. Twenty year-old industry standard
Computer Gaming World is competing both with the relatively new Computer Games
magazine, and the even newer and currently best-selling PC Gamer.
Computer Gaming World (Circulation 340,000; average size 180 pages). Owned by Ziff-Davis, the magazine and online media chain, CGW first appeared in 1981; the self-titled "#1 PC Game magazine" celebrated its 20-year anniversary last month. Affiliated properties include Gamespot/ZD Net, and PC Magazine. Based in San Francisco, the former industry leader has recently been outsold by the upstart PC Gamer. The magazine strives to be the "analytical" alternative in today's market, according to editor George Jones. "We try to -- and this is one of CGW's mottos -- dig deeper with regards to all of our coverage. So when we're reviewing a game, we try to define why certain aspects of that title do or do not work, as well as what might work better. And the same goes for the rest of our coverage, be it news, features, previews, and especially inside gaming. We want to be analytical and contextual in every story we publish."
Computer Games (250,000-plus; 174 pages). Computer Games also recently celebrated its anniversary: in its case the 10th anniversary of its 1990 launch. The magazine is part of the Strategy Plus/ chain, which is smaller compared to its competitors. Its other well-known properties are three smaller online gaming sites: Computer Games Online (, Games Domain, and Happy Puppy. Based in Richmond, Vermont, Computer Games has recently been the smallest of the three mags, both in page length and circulation. The periodical is distinguished by having the highest amount of actual editorial pages, compared to advertising: where the other titles are over 60 per cent ads, Computer Games is pretty much 50-50. This often means it has more space for actual articles than either of the other two, larger magazines. Editor Steve Bauman says his target market is the "serious gamer." "Our motto of sorts is 'serious fun,' and I think that sums it up pretty well. We're a hardcore game magazine that's approachable to gamers of all ages and levels. We cover games from the perspective of hardcore gamers, but I believe our articles are more literate and sophisticated than some of our competitors."
Who Pays for the Ads?
The two largest ad clients on the game side in the four-month period around last
Christmas (November-February) were Sierra (172 pages worth in a 4 month period)
and Interplay (164). Trailing them were Eidos (98), and EA (83). Microsoft placed
only 80.5 pages of game ads, but add an additional 45 pages for its peripheral
products and it's probably best seen as the third-largest print advertiser right
Sierra and Interplay also were the largest ad buyers in terms of pages per game
title. While most major game publishers bought around 10 pages per game in the
three magazines in our reporting period, the two leading publishers averaged 15
pages per game for their products.
Much of that advertising power, however, was directed at their marquee products,
which this year were largely confined to three real-time strategy games, and
one coming attraction. Interplay's two RTS offerings, Sacrifice
and Giants:
Citizen Kabuto, saw 46 and 35 pages of ads bought for them respectively.
(Sacrifice alone had nearly as many pages bought to promote it as the
entire Gathering of Developers New Year's lineup.) The other largest ad buys
in this period were for Tribes 2 (Sierra, 41 pages), still upcoming,
and Command
and Conquer: Red Alert 2 (Electronic Arts, 30). If you don't know much
about any of those games, odds are you just don't read print mags.
While the print ad market is better than it is online currently, it's still tight,
says CGW publisher Lee Uniacke. "There has been about a 50 per cent decline
in print advertising for PC games over the last two years. To my knowledge, the
drop in PC game advertising has been about the same for web sites over the same
period. The major reason for the decline is that game companies are putting more
resources into console games over PC games. Fewer games means less advertising
both online and in print."
The ads themselves aren't cheap. Buying a single page in CGW or PC Gamer can
cost your company around $14,000. (Computer Games magazine's ad rates are somewhat
less than the other two, and prices can vary widely depending on placement,
and bulk buying.) Just doing the rough math, you could say then that promoting
Sacrifice around Christmas time, assuming they paid the going rate, could
potentially have cost Interplay half a million dollars just for these three
magazines. An average game title trying to hit all three magazines could still
be looking at an total ad buy in the $100,000 range.
With those kinds of costs attached, it would be tempting for many advertisers
to not buy ads in all three magazines, if they thought they could safely avoid
it. Those kinds of judgment calls can obviously have a significant impact on a
magazine's bottom line. Given a choice, which magazines do advertisers pass over
the most?
In terms of gross advertising revenue, PC Gamer, with an average of 135 ad pages
an issue, has been running slightly ahead of CGW recently. Converted to a theoretical
book value, PC Gamer is ahead as well, selling ads worth $1.6 million an issue
on average, compared to $1.5 million for its nearest competitor (actual true revenues
may vary). Computer Games is the poor sister in this regard, with a theoretical
value somewhere under $1 million for its much smaller number of ads per issue.
Keeping a broad diversity of advertisers is key to a gaming magazine's success,
according to CGW's Uniacke. "With a diverse group of advertisers, and no
one making up a large percentage of revenue, you can candidly review products
without fear of reprisal. If one advertiser pulls their ads, they lose access
to a valuable market. With this system in place, advertisers rarely pull ads."
But Computer Games editor Steve Bauman believes the lower ad density at his own
magazine has its benefits as well, as far as keeping and attracting paying readers.
"We increased our editorial content because, well, readers want more articles.
It's not a particularly radical concept; people read a magazine for articles.
If you include more articles, you will likely produce something more people will
enjoy. And that's how you have to pitch it to the business side, because it does
increase costs, and "like" is an abstract term that is a little messy
for the beancounters to wrap their brains around. But it has proved successful."
Still, it can actually be hazardous to editorial quality for a magazine to rely
too heavily on just a few advertisers. An ad office that relies for 10 per cent
or more of its ad revenue on one customer could be understandably wary about their
magazine doing or saying anything that might cause a decline in business. The
"Bigfoots" in this industry are, predictably, Sierra and Interplay:
each accounted for around 12 per cent of the game magazines' total ad income.
(Because of its smaller advertising base, Computer Games magazine's advertising
office likely worries just as much about keeping Microsoft happy and content,
Magazine publishers are supposed to keep the advertising and editorial sides of
their operation strictly separate for just this reason. And gaming magazines are
no different. Bauman says; at Computer Games, at least, the wall between the two
sides is as strong as it can be. "Game companies are smart enough not to
try to leverage advertising into editorial coverage with us. It would be incredibly
short-sighted of any publication to make editorial decisions based on advertisers
and not the interest level of readers."
One wonders, though, if the influence of ad purchasing isn't being more subtly
felt? And if not, why is PC Gamer the industry darling right now? The answer may
lie in the reviews.
Who writes the hardest reviews?
Looking at their review sections, one is struck right off by the differences
between the three magazines. Using a five-month reporting period this time (November-March,
to allow for late reviews of products advertised at Christmas), we find that
Computer Games, even though it's the smallest magazine with the fewest ads,
runs far more reviews than the other two: rating 105 software products in five
issues. PC Gamer, on the other hand, rated only 80. And Computer Gaming World
reviewed only 68 games in the same period. While it is true some of Computer
Games magazine's reviews are about pretty marginal products (a bingo game, a
Gettysburg tour guide, both Half-Life: Counter-Strike and Half-Life:
Platinum) there are many other products, often by smaller developers, that
the other magazines have yet to cover.
Staff at the other two magazines question this need to give a review to every
single last game that comes out. While he admits reviews are "critically
important," CGW's George Jones says there are limits. "We've begun to
realize that you don't need to spend two pages describing the tenth version of
a golf game. Nor do you need a full page to trash a god-awful game. We probably
do devote fewer pages to reviews simply because of this."
But back at Computer Games, Bauman defends the larger number of pages his magazine
assigns to the task. "Reviews are absolutely crucial to our success. Readers
use them to assist in buying decisions, validate their own purchases, as discussion
or debate points, or they just find them entertaining"
As well as carrying the most reviews, Computer Games also has the longest: averaging
1.34 pages per review. Computer Gaming World and PC Gamer weren't far behind,
however, at 1.28 and 1.26 respectively. The difference is so minor that it's difficult
to give any magazine the credit for having the most analytical, in-depth reviews.
Lengthwise at least, they're all pretty much the same.
While PC Gamer may be the softest reviewer by comparison, it's also the fastest.
In our reporting period, the magazine beat the other two by a month or more
on the reviews of 16 games. The publication was almost never beat on reviews
by other magazines. (Although it still happened occasionally: in March the upstart
Computer Games scooped both its bigger competitors with its early reviews of
and Sea
The harshest reviewers, on the other hand, belong to CGW. Although on average
they may not be any harder, Computer Gaming World was significantly more aggressive
about downrating the games it really disliked. Almost a third, 22 out of the
68 games it reviewed, received a "failing grade" (2.5 stars or less). That's
more "F's" than either of the two other periodicals, even though the other two
reviewed far more games
PC Gamer failed only 14, while Computer Games,
which gives more average ratings than the other two, flunked 18 products. (The
best reviewed game overall this winter? Interplay's Baldur's
Gate 2: Shadows of Amn. Worst? Hasbro's Squad
Is the advertising affecting the reviews?
Advertising does seem to have a correlation with whether one gets a review at
all, at least for the two larger magazines. Of PC Gamer's 80 reviews in the period
we're looking at, all but 11 (86 per cent) were for products whose publisher was
advertising in the magazine in the same period. CGW was the same, with 79 per
cent of its reviews being about games put out by its advertisers. Again, the little
guy, Computer Games, bucks the trend here, running reviews of 39 products by firms
that didn't advertise with them at all over our five-month period.
As to any evidence of some bias in some of the other magazines' reviews themselves,
it's pretty inconclusive. PC Gamer is certainly suspect: products by advertisers
got a median score of 78, as compared to a 67 average for non-advertisers. CGW
is much the same: companies that don't or can't afford to advertise, like Simon
and Schuster and SSI, get lower reviews for their games. (On the other hand, Computer
Games gives comparable ratings to both advertisers and non-advertisers.)
But that doesn't mean the advertising itself was responsible for getting those
higher reviews. It's just as likely that the same companies that can afford
to buy all those $14,000 ads generally also have enough of a budget to make
games that are relatively good. Ironically, the smallest companies (such as
Wizardworks and Dreamcatcher) that could never afford to advertise, and are
getting no reviews at all, outside of the review-everything Computer Games magazine,
are almost better off. A publisher like SSI, on the other hand, is considered
large enough to still have its games reviewed by the two other magazines even
though it doesn't advertise widely, but has not had many products recently that
were solid enough to garner them good ratings.
There's even less evidence of the reviewers themselves being influenced by advertiser
dollars. Taking the average of only the games that all three magazines reviewed
in this period, we found no significant distinction between games by companies
that had advertised with a particular magazine and those that didn't. In other
words, the "bad games" by non-advertisers in the two bigger magazines
were still probably bad games: the simple act of placing advertising in a game
magazine didn't change that magazine's opinion on them.
The conclusion seems to be, then, that there is some correlation between companies
that can afford to advertise heavily and companies that make games the reviewers
respect. But there's no strong indication that advertising on its own is affecting
any particular review staff's judgments.
Of course, the question of how ads affect critical acclaim is completely separate
from the question of their effect on actual sales - that's a complex question
that will have to wait for another time.
What does the future look like?
One wonders about the future of Computer Games magazine. The smallest of the three
as of last June (Bauman says the numbers have grown since then), Computer Games
is also part of the smallest media chain, without a second print magazine or a
single strong game news website to back it up. As our figures show, Computer Games
is also being left behind by ad buyers. This is a shame, because, as we have shown,
in terms of actual stories and editorial content, it actually has more than the
other magazines. CG reviews far more products, and seems scrupulously fair about
reviewing all games, regardless of the status of their makers in the industry.
But the relative weakness of has to be a concern. Watch for moves
this year to merge or better amalgamate the chain's gaming websites to make it
more competitive.
The industry leader, PC Gamer, is likely to remain so for a while. The ad buyers'
darling, it's just one tech magazine in Imagine Media's large stable, giving it
strong resiliency. The hard part for PC Gamer now isn't keeping advertisers, it's
keeping the readers' respect. With a growing reputation for being the most industry-friendly
mag, getting out the reviews the fastest may not make up for how mild they often
seem compared to the other magazines, or the scant regard given to publishers
who don't advertise. To take on any new edge, however, might risk losing some
of those ads to competitors. It's an interesting quandary.
For all three mags, the recently declining number of ad dollars has sparked renewed interest
in making a better more readable product, to boost other kinds of revenue, at
least according to CGW's Lee Uniacke. 'The magazines that survive will be the
ones the have a large portion of their revenue coming from their readership on
the newsstand and for subscriptions."
For the reader looking for a supplement for their online reading, differentiating
the three gaming periodicals can be hard. They all cover the same material, with
no huge distinctions in their style or approach. The key distinction these statistics
highlight seems to be the unique relationship each magazine shares with the industry
it covers, and what tone that lends to its review coverage: whether generally
upbeat (PC Gamer), scrupulously even-handed (Computer Games), or sometimes brutally
honest (CGW). Like advertisers, magazine buyers have to ask themselves at the
cash register: given the way they write, do I need to purchase all three, or is
there one I can do without?
The three magazines are competing for the same advertisers, which means predominantly
the game publishing companies: fully 70 per cent of all their ads are for games,
with another 15 per cent being for hardware and peripherals. In PC Gamer and CGW,
the space devoted just to game ads alone is greater than the amount given to articles.
There's a lot more to game magazines than game reviews, of course: industry news,
previews, strategy guides. But game magazines take their review sections very
seriously indeed. According to Bauman, his magazine's survey data show readers
value a magazine's reviews far above other content. One reason may be that they're
quantitative. People like and appreciate the Computer Games and CGW five-star
system, or the percentage ratings PC Gamer uses. That same objectivity can also
help us in this analysis, allowing us to apply quantitative comparisons to the
reviews, as we did with ads.
So far we've established the industry leading PC Gamer is the advertisers' favourite,
and also gives the fastest, softest reviews (comparatively speaking). But are
the two more directly connected?
What are the challenges for the three major gaming magazines? Can the market even
continue to support three periodicals? How should these magazines be moving to
capture a larger market share for themselves?