March 31, 2006

Okay, I confess

Okay, I confess. Those "Google Earth" images I put below were actually photos I took myself from a small plane while secretly touring Iraq earlier this year. As you can see, they indicate the Iraqi resistance is not only building an aircraft carrier at a secret naval facility, next to their already completed three-masted sailing ship, but are also covering the country with a series of 18th century fortifications for some reason. This is what the MSM isn't telling you: you heard it here first.

Posted by BruceR at 10:32 AM

March 13, 2006

A little triple-7 reverie

In another foray into the trivia of my life, I had the pleasure of flying in and out of Holland recently. Before I forget, I just wanted to mention that the Boeing 777 is a very comfortable passenger liner. I recommend flying it whenever possible. From a passenger perspective, it also seemed to stop in a surprisingly short stretch of runway, compared to other planes I've been in. Any pilot out there care to confirm that? And whoever was at the cockpit of the Toronto-Amsterdam KLM run on Saturday, Feb. 18, is one remarkable pilot. Despite landing in a heavy ground fog at Schipol, he managed the softest, whispery light landing -- outside of a helicopter -- that I have ever experienced. I'm still amazed by it, and I've regretted not saying something to him at the time ever since.

That's all for now... I'm travelling a lot, so posting will remain light for the foreseeable future. Cheers.

Posted by BruceR at 02:00 PM