November 09, 2005

Bomber boys instructors

Stayed up late tonight to watch Bomber Boys on History Television... Canadian reality TV about some Canadian grandkids of bomber pilots put through some of the same paces, running four nights this week.

I was surprised and pleased to see that the ersatz bomber crew had as their sergeant-major an old professional colleague of mine, RSM Roger Noke. I've known Mr. Noke since I was a young Lt. back in 1989, and he's always been a gentleman and a support for my endeavours, and a credit to the Toronto garrison. I see he managed to rope another acquaintance, RCHA Capt. Chris Bigler, into a supporting role. It was entertaining to see both of them again, even if it was dressed in air force blue. All the best, RSM: Ubique.

Posted by BruceR at 02:00 AM