May 21, 2005

Torture-killing in Gardez update

More detail on the killing of an Afghan National Army soldier, Jamal Naseer, mistakenly in U.S. custody in Gardez in March, 2003. A criminal investigation was announced last fall. No one has been charged.

In fact, at least eight Afghans, including Naseer, are confirmed to have died under U.S. "interrogation" between August, 2002 and September, 2003. To date there have been no convictions.

SIDENOTE: The Podhoretz lobby that continues to praise the U.S. military's self-policing in Afghanistan is rather reminiscent of the Iraq school-painting crowd. After all, why can't the media tell the GOOD side of all these torture-killings? All those Americans who aren't being prosecuted and those military investigations that are being successfully obstructed and delayed... aren't those good news stories?

Posted by BruceR at 12:02 AM